Hazel Rug 

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$204.00 SRP
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A colorful Egyptian Kheyameya hung bright on famed French Artist Henri Matisse's window as he laid nearly bed-ridden in his studio. His love for textiles, and specifically this Kheyemeya, a decorative collage of sewn together fragments of fabric, is what sparked a new technique that became the pinnacle of Matisse's greatest collections. While his health had not allowed him to paint as he did decades before, he took to paper and scissors to create vibrant and joyful collages that became icons of 20th century art. In our latest collection, “The Cut Outs” we recreated Matisse's process of taking textiles to paper collages, yet brought them back to textiles once more through this collection of Kilims.
MATERIAL - Wool rug, hand-woven on a cotton base. All of Kiliim's products are handcrafted, making each product unique. Slight variations and imperfections are embraced.

heritage craftHeritage Craft
woman-ledWoman Led