Trusted by Trade

Trusted By:

We stock it. You sell it. We ship it.

That's the power of dropship.

We stock it. You sell it. We ship it.

That's the power of dropship.

Powered by People’s Dropship program empowers you to showcase your unique taste with exclusive, sustainable products from the world’s best makers. We manage the inventory and shipping, while you earn 30% on Retail Pricing.

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Interested? Learn more in our free Dropship Guide for Designers.

The only sustainable dropship catalog

Because all makers in our dropship program carry the PBP Verified mark, you can trust that their goods are responsibly made.

As we expand with our retail partners, we support more makers and sustainable producers, fostering not only their livelihoods but also benefiting communities worldwide.

Discover more about our sustainability standards.

Partner with us.

Choose from hundreds of unique, responsibly

made products, curated with your customers

in mind.

Keep 30% of the Retail Price.
Quick and easy onboarding.

No inventory commitment.

No contract required.
No cost to you.

Explore the catalog.

Easy, fast, impactful. That’s PBP Dropship.

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Dropship FAQs

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