Handmade Area Rug 

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During one of our trips, we came across this village in India, where amazingly talented women create beautiful materials out of a dried naturally grown plant. A traditional skill passed from generations to generations, it is often the only source of income for most of the households. Handwoven by skillful female artisans, these mats are made from sustainably grown Marantaceae plant family and backed by 100% cotton fabric for stability. All we did was to come up with some designs, which we thought people would like, and they did all the rest!

Our handmade area rugs offer the perfect blend of style, comfort, and necessity. And because they are ethically sourced, eco friendly, renewable, biodegradable, and sustainably made, you can use and gift them with pride!


‚óè Our handmade area rugs are a unique gift idea they will treasure.

‚óè 100% natural decor for the eco-minded consumer.

heritage craftHeritage Craft
woman-ledWoman Led